
Buying a rebumbent bike

How can I find the right one?


You don't need to build a recumbent by yourself anymore to get the best one for you. Today there are plenty of recumbent dealers with several recumbent bikes and equipment available.
Due to the fact, that the recumbent-market is still very young and the dealers try to increase their sellings you will find some great advantages for you:
The dealers in their recumbent-shops, who mostly themselves started as homebuilders, are best willing to take plenty of time for service. Here you can tryout any bike you want and make your best choices. Because the concepts behind the bikes vary from 'racers' to 'bikes just for everything', you will have a hard time (and great fun, too) to find the best one for you.

So what to do?

Just enter the nearest-by recumbent-shop!


A well equipped shop and a professional dealer is all you need!

Now you should take a test ride on any bike you can get. Even if you don't like a bike from first sigth, just take it for a ride!


Testing, testing, testing...

Before you finally buy a bike you must take it for a longer trip! You can't make a decision from just having a ride around the house. It would be best if you can rent the bike for a weekend.


...makes lots of fun!


How to get a recumbent with full-fairing?

Everybody wants to have it, nearly nobody actually owns it, a full-faired recumbent. Most of the recumbent-shops don't sell fairings. A front-fairing (e.g. Zzipper) and a back-box for your luggage is all you will find. In combination with a coat in between this is the best compromise you can do for everydays needs.
If you really need to have a full-faired recumbent take a special one thats made for this purpose, e.g. a Leitra or Allewedder.
You also can build your own fairing, very simple with my construction plans.

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